jeudi 21 mars 2019

Fending Off Inflammation And Its Many Complications Using The Curcuma Plant

By Kimberly Young

There are numerous culinary herbs that are revered for their ability to prevent and even treat certain health-related concerns. One very good example of those is the curcuma plant. More commonly known as turmeric, traditional healers often employ it for dealing with inflammation and also preventing the many serious complications that it's known to bring.

If truth be told, inflammation is part of the body's healing process. It assists in the optimum distribution of the immune system's various cells as well as elimination of toxins and waste products. Needless to say, inflammation is necessary for one's recovery from different physical injuries and traumas, and also all kinds of infections due to disease-causing microorganisms that are constantly trying to invade the body.

The problem with inflammation is sometimes it tends to take place excessively or unnecessarily. Instead of being beneficial, such can be a complete nuisance. Health experts say that inflammation that's left uncontrolled can actually encourage the development of numerous health problems, so many of them can be life-threatening.

Inflammation, for example, can cause heart disease to come into being. Because it can lead to heart attacks and strokes, it is the leading cause of deaths worldwide, statistics show. In the United States alone, more than 600,000 deaths every year can be linked to issues concerning the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system.

Type 2 diabetes is another really serious problem that can be blamed on inflammation. What makes type 2 diabetes dangerous is the fact that it causes insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells no longer react accordingly to the presence of the hormone referred to as insulin. This deprives the cells of fuel because sugar tends to remain in the blood. The accumulation of too much sugar in the bloodstream can spell disaster as it can wreak havoc on the blood vessels, nerves and various organs of the body.

According to health authorities, inflammation that's left uncontrolled can also increase a person's risk of developing certain forms of cancer. It all depends on which part of the body the problem is taking place. For instance, it can increase colon cancer risk if the large intestine is affected. Numerous studies also show that it can in fact speed up the multiplication of cancerous cells or growth of tumors.

Many know that lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits can cause obesity. Sadly, not a lot of people are aware that inflammation going on inside the body can be blamed for obesity, too. The problem with obesity is it's regarded as a risk factor for so many problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Clearly, it's of utmost importance to put inflammation under control. This is especially true for something that is taking place excessively or unnecessarily. One very effective way to deal with it is with the help of turmeric as it's loaded with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. Commonly, traditional healers recommend turmeric to be consumed in the form of tea. These days, however, there are turmeric capsules that can be easily purchased from herbal stores online and offline.

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