mardi 15 mai 2018

For Weed Control Fredonia NY Is Worth Visiting

By Kevin Russell

Any plant that is not needed in a specific location due to the harmful effect it poses to crops is known as weed. Normally, these plants are foreign in the areas they grow. Any activity that individuals do to remove or alleviate the quantity of weeds is called weed control. Such efforts focus on bringing the germination or spread of weed to other places on halt. When in search of Weed Control Fredonia NY should be given priority.

The practice of weed management is an ancient one with a long history. The practice originated almost at the same time that agriculture began. During those days, simple methods were used, including plucking of weeds and removing using hoes and similar crude tools. Today, especially with the existence of large tracts of plantation farms, more sophisticated methods have been developed.

There are five major classifications of weed management methods. Cultural, preventative, chemical, biological, and mechanical weed management are the classifications. Every of the methods is used in a particular condition, with others being better in some cases than others. On the same piece of land, one may also use several methods to manage weeds. Several factors usually determine which method is chosen and careful consideration must be done before the decision is made.

Crop type, resource availability, type of weeds, land size, availability of manpower, weather conditions, and others are some of the factors that influence choice of management method. Some methods can fit for small scale farms, whereas others can be best applied on large plantations. Also, specific weeds are manageable by applying specific methods.

All methods of management that prevent weeds from spreading into pastures, greenhouses, and cultivated crops are classified as preventative. An example of such methods is the planting of seeds that have been determined to be resistant to or free of weeds. Preventing the spread of weeds by having all farm equipment cleaned well before use is also a preventative method. Having water screened before irrigation is also a preventative method.

Cultural control aims at maintaining field conditions so as to make it unlikely for weeds to establish themselves. Cultural management also prevents the increase in number of weeds or spread to new locations. Some methods that are classified under cultural control include maintenance of good soil fertility, crop rotations, and use of well-adapted competitive foraging species. Avoiding overgrazing is also a cultural method for controlling weeds.

When farm equipment is used to regulate the establishment and dispersal of weeds, the method is called mechanical control. Tilling and mowing are examples. In biological weeds control, natural predators of weeds are used to curb their quantity and existence. For instance, a sheep may be used to feed on tansy ragwort or leafy spurge to regulate their population.

Chemical control involves using chemicals to eliminate weeds. The chemicals used are called herbicides and they kill weeds in different stages. This method is used on very large farms. Chemical are usually applied using human labor, farm machinery such as tractors or by use of helicopters.

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